How does NH x Freshman Year for Free work?

NH x Freshman Year for Free offers free, high-quality online courses taught by college professors that prepare you for CLEP exams offered by the College Board. CLEP is accepted for credit at over 2,900 colleges and universities. A passing score on the exams (each participating college decides what scores you need for credit) can earn you real college credit and enable you to save tuition dollars. You can take one course or many.
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How do I participate in NH x Freshman Year for Free?

First, register for an account. From there, enroll in the course or courses you wish to take. All materials are free. After you complete all the coursework, including the videos, textbook, and practice questions, request a voucher and register to take your CLEP exam(s) at an authorized testing center.
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How do I know if I am eligible for NH x Freshman Year for Free?

Students from all high schools across the state of New Hampshire are eligible to participate in the NH x Freshman Year for Free program.
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What high schools are eligible to participate in NH x Freshman Year for Free?

Students from all high schools across the state of New Hampshire are eligible to participate in the NH x Freshman Year for Free program.
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Can I earn college credit if I take a course but not the related exam?

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Which Modern States courses are included in NH x Freshman Year for Free?

All 32 Modern States courses are included in NH x Freshman Year for Free. View them all here.
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Is there a test fee for CLEP exams?

Yes. The College Board charges $89 to take each of the CLEP exams. NH x Freshman Year for Free will pay the test fee for you via a voucher.
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I read the program will pay for my CLEP exam(s). How does this work?

Once you have completed the course(s), you must submit a voucher request form. Upon successful verification, learners will be provided with a voucher code to register for a CLEP exam.
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Do all colleges offer credit for successful performance on CLEP exams?

Thousands of colleges offer credit for CLEP, but not all. Every college sets its own scoring and credit standards regarding granting college credit based on CLEP exam results. Some colleges, for example, only allow students to opt out of introductory level courses based on successful test results.
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How can I find out if the colleges I am considering accept CLEPs for credit?

Click here to find out how individual colleges and universities treat CLEP exams.
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Who can I contact to ask questions about CLEP exams?

For CLEP, call 1-800-257-9558 or email [email protected] (please include your name, address and telephone number).
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How do I receive a test center reimbursement?

To receive a reimbursement you will need to provide the name of the exam taken, the test center fee, a copy of the receipt, your score, and the CLEP voucher code used as payment. The voucher code (three letters followed by a string of numbers) is required to receive a reimbursement.
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